Tuesday, June 23, at 6:30 PM
With the restrictions placed on gatherings over the past months, we have postponed Trinity’s Annual Business Meeting. It will be scheduled when restrictions are further lifted. However, a Special Business Meeting is needed to vote on the fiscal year budget that begins July 1.
- A quorum is required in order to vote, so members are asked to attend.
- Everyone is welcome, however only members may vote.
- No childcare will be provided.
- Bring a pen.
- Practice social distancing and follow other health guidelines such as staying home if you are sick.
- We are hoping to enjoy ice cream outside after the meeting. Watch for more details.
The agenda and proposed budget are linked below. Questions may be directed to:
- Cindy Mason, Operations Director, 952-469-6247, cmason@trinitychurchmn.com
- Neil Oakland, Treasurer, neiloakland@hotmail.com
- Trinity’s Elders, elders@trinitychurchmn.com