Trinity Church – Lakeville, MN

Grief: A Part of Living

Sun. Feb. 16, 11:45 AM-1:30 PM, register online by Feb. 13

Are you grieving or know someone who is?

Grief happens in many life situations, including the loss of someone you love or a loss of something dear to you – a job, a pet, your health. The Word of God can give us help as we deal with loss by looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Join our Trinity family on Sun. Feb. 16, 11:45 AM-1:30 PM for a light lunch followed by a presentation by Maureen Juarez, a Faith Community Nurse and Griefshare program leader. You are welcome to invite friends, family, and neighbors.

Please register online by Thurs. Feb. 13. Questions? Contact Deb Binder.